Efforts to achieve the SDGs
Sustainable Development Goals

Seventeen common goals of the international community to be achieved by 2030, which were adopted at the UN Summit in September 2015
The SDGs are composed of 17 goals and 169 targets so that developing and developed countries join hands to realize a sustainable world without leaving no one behind.
JAPAN SDGs Action Platform (the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan: an external link)
The Blue Group strives to solve social issues through its business activities in various fields, including the Renewable Energy Business, which is the mainstay, the Wellness Business, the Development Business, and the Investment Business.
As a member of the international community, we will make continuous efforts to attain the SDGs.
*Due to these activities, our link was posted on the Japan SDGs Action Platform website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as one of the companies pursuing SDGs.

Efforts to achieve the SDGs through the Renewable Energy Business
We will distribute renewable energy in a sustainable manner and
contribute to the conservation of the earth environment.

It is assumed that the Blue Group’s solar, wind, and biomass power plants generate about 1.6 million MWh per year, reducing CO2 emissions by about 860,000 tons per year.*The power plants include those under operation, those under construction, and those under development.
In addition, we will start the in-house production and sale of Energy Storage System (ESS), with the aim of supplying electric power stably without being affected by weather, and then contribute to the achievement of the energy combination policy of Japan.
Furthermore, we will carry out development, construction, maintenance, and inspection based on the integrated system of the Blue Group, for the sustainable operation of power plants in an anxiety-free, safe manner.
We will contribute to the coexistence with local communities and the promotion of global partnerships.

Through the Renewable Energy Business operated nationwide, we contribute to regional development by utilizing land effectively, promoting employment, and so on.
In addition, palm kernel shell (PKS) is used as biomass fuel. For its procurement, a Malaysian enterprise, which belongs to the Blue Group, secures stable supply in a sustainable manner, while promoting global partnerships.
Efforts to achieve the SDGs through the Wellness Business
We will contribute to the development of an environment for supporting mental and physical health.

At ski resorts and hotels of the Blue Group, we hold various events and competitions actively in cooperation with municipalities and local communities, contributing to regional development.
We accept students from schools around Japan for ski school, camps, etc. to provide them with opportunities to learn winter sports.
We will continue a wide range of support activities for competitions, including the sponsorship of athletes.
The Blue Group operates agricultural farms, and the vegetables grown there are used at restaurant of the Blue Group. Based on this self-sufficient system, we engage in activities for passing down the rich Japanese food culture to next generations.
In addition, golf courses, ski resorts, and farms are powered partially by renewable energy. Like this, we utilize the strengths of our group in our business administration.
Efforts to achieve the SDGs through the Development and Investment Businesses
We will contribute to the development of a sound social environment.

To contribute to the sustainable society through development and investment, we engage in projects for transforming desolate facilities and idle land into renewable energy power plants and large-scale resorts and renovating deteriorated buildings as commercial buildings, hotels, etc. and incorporate SDGs and ESG (environment, society, and governance) into investment standards.
Group-wide efforts to attain the SDGs
We strive to develop a comfortable working environment tailored to diversity.

- Support for acquisition of qualifications
- Maternity leave system
- Childcare leave system
- Securing of the safety and health of employees
- Strict compliance
- Active recruitment of female managers
- Foreign and elderly people’s opportunities to get employed
- Cementing of partnerships among enterprises
- Dialogue with stakeholders
- Securing of the transparency and fairness of business administration